10 am – 2:00 pm, Saturday, Mar 1
Beyond Hope & Fear Teaching
10 am – 2:00 pm Sunday, Mar 2
Green Tārā Blessing-Empowerment
Statistically speaking, we are living at a time where violent crime rates are down, life expectancy is higher than we have ever seen, and technology has made life more secure and less difficult. Yet, fear and anxiety seem to drive many of the decisions we make whether as individuals or as national, ethnic, class, or religious collectives. Why is this so? Is there an alternative?
Dr. Lye invites you to a special retreat on Lady Tārā—a buddha who vowed to always appear in a female form to protect beings from any and all fears. Dr. Lye will help us consider this paradox of fear and offer traditional vajrayāna resources on working with fear through the principle and practice of Tārā.
You are encouraged to attend both days but can choose to attend only one.
The only commitment to taking the empowerment is a desire to benefit self and other.
If you’re unable to see the form below, please email info@udharmanc.com.